Almighty – Ch. 255

Divine Herb Acquired!

With her pentachromic phoenix trailing behind her, Yuan Xia ran her hand through the air, rumbled the winds, shaking the firmament shook, firing energy beams, piercing layers of voids to drive her attack toward the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man snickered and discharged energy from his body to erase the force of the palm in the void. Then, he directed the energy up toward Yuan Xia.

Heavenly Dao Alliance’s two elders could tell Elder Dan had restrained their qi and sent them warnings. Although strong in their own right, they were weaker than the patriarch yesterday. They would find themselves in a pinch if they attacked, but they couldn’t understand why Yuan Xia got involved.

Yang Tian smiled from cheek to cheek once he obtained the divine herb from the nephrite furnace.

To learn Yuan Xia, who they identified based on her phoenix that showed up during her clash with Ancient Sacred Grounds, resided at the top of the palace came as a shock to many for it indicated she held an exalted status. She, in fact, was held in higher regard than Pill Dao Alliance.

The middle-aged man was an Almighty adept.

The pentachromic phoenix cried and fired intense pentachromic flames. The immense aura of the two forced Pill Valley’s adepts to activate the palace’s ability to prevent it from crumbling.

Yuan Xia seized the upper hand in no time. Her phoenix forced the man back the entire exchange. Her phoenix’s booming claw swing created a sea of raging flames. Her opponent pressed his hands together to don a glowing energy armour with black magical text. The phoenix’s claw and flames rattled the magical text on his armour as it landed with heavy impact.

The phoenix fired countless small phoenixes. Subsequently, it fired two pentachromic spears doused in divine flames from its eyes. The spears cracked the armour and made their way toward his forehead.

Heavenly Dao Alliance’s elders eventually gave in to their rage and charged into battle to protect their dignity.

Elder Dan, in an oppressive tone, asserted, “Let’s end this here. Back down!”

The phoenix’s dual spears stopped mid-flight, and the elder erased the phoenix from the void.

The middle-aged man let out a heavy breath of relief. Yuan Xia glared askance at him before heading into the palace.

The two elders were outraged Yuan Xia didn’t apologise after almost killing their member. They tried to stop her from leaving with a big attack.

Elder Dan poked the air, dispersing the auras in the two voids on top of threatening, “If you two attack, do not blame this old one for the consequences.”

While everyone else was silenced, one of the two elders directed roars heaven bond. The patriarch released two suns from his eyes for a split second, changing the colour of the earth and collapsing a void. That forced the two elders to stop since they couldn’t defeat an Autarch Realm adept. Clearly, Yuan Xia was important enough for Elder Dan to step in for her.

Yun’er wanted to know who Yuan Xia was.

They were close, yet it seemed as though Yang Tian couldn’t reach her. He looked up at Yuan Xia and sighed.

Tian Xin finally recovered somewhat and slowly go to his feet, though his dishevelled look was a stark contrast to his initial appearance.

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