Almighty – Ch. 766

Self-renewing Soil

The crimson monkey scratched his ears and face as he bounced on Yang Tian’s shoulder. As Yang Tian was still confused, the miracle stone explained, “Teach him well, and he will be a Fiend Deity.”

It sounded ridiculous. Yang Tian hadn’t heard of any deities still alive, let alone cultivating one. In the end, though, he didn’t have a retort.

“Come with me!” The miracle stone summoned a gale and raced to the ginseng tree.

The quartet immediately gave chase in case the stone wanted to steal the tree. Yang Tian didn’t realise the number of ginsengs on it was correlated with the tree’s cultivation.

The ginseng tree generated a vital essence tornado that ripped through the void and shook mountains.

Yang Tian: “Elder, will they steal the tree?”

Miracle stone: “That’s a pitiful joke. Those ants think they can take it?”

Yang Tian: Is the stone a reincarnated deity?

The vital essence gradually dispersed, but the tree radiated brightly.

A large unique type tried to pluck a doll from the tree. The branch released energy aimed the unique type’s skull. The unique type swung at the branch. Bang! The unique type’s strike struck only thin air. The branch swung down in front of the unique type and whipped through to the other side of his skull. The unique type sunk metres into the ground and bled profusely.

Celestial Ba Clan’s Ancestor adept was next to take up the challenge. He summoned Exquisite Pagoda overhead to act as a shield. Once he was within distance, he shouted and fired his first rainbow giant hand from his pagoda to grab the tree.

The tree’s branches whipped the giant hand. The Ancestor adept released more blinding light. Yet, the branches were able to penetrate and throw the rainbow around. Consequently, his pagoda rattled and spat sparks. Meanwhile, he started to bleed from the repetitive bouts of impact. With no room for hesitation, he fired another energy beam and made a quick retreat.

Miracle Stone: “Haha, old idiot. You’re learning more tricks by the day.”

Everyone gasped when they learnt the stone could speak! Yang Tian couldn’t understand the creatures’ languages, that being said. He contemplated if they were creatures around before Great Annihilation.

The self-renewing soil suddenly stirred gently. A thumb-sized filament popped out in Yang Tian’s direction. Yang Tian scratched his head as he checked the glowing filament. “Is this self-renewing soil?”

Nightmare dragon: “That is a Five Element filament’s treasure. It can grant you an infinitely expansive field. It contains a superior Rule…”

Yang Tian: “A treasure!”

Nightmare dragon: “Hurry and bury it. That will help Ancestral Dragon Ring specialise in a Rule. Learning in there henceforward will grant you big opportunities.”

Yang Tian took another look at the self-renewing soil and tossed it into the ground. As soon as the soil touched the ground, the earth trembled. Energy seeped out. The earth came to life. Precious herbs shook and grew. Ancestral Dragon Ring’s dimension expanded. It was as if there was vitality underground nourishing the herbs. It defied logic.


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