Almighty – Ch. 483

Dao Gate Token!

The sky appeared as though it was undergoing Armageddon. The powerful could already see fragments of the scenery behind the chaos. Nobody was weak. Some were ready to die. The interior was home to mysterious realms, palaces and valuables. Every unfathomable thing was supposed to be found inside.

A prodigy recently decimated prodigies from other clans and started a big clan in Central State.

Yang Tian: “Dahu, be careful of the strong in there.”

Xiaoji was worried about himself since he was weak.

The scenery and herbs looked clearer and clearer over time as the turbulence intensified. There was a three hundred tall metre herb absorbing the sun and moon’s vital essence. There was a unique white herb next to it. The Chaos Light was too intense for anyone to dare to try entering.

Yang Tian perceived the scenery to be visually familiar. He entered Ancestral Dragon Ring. He recalled his Dao Gate Token displayed scenery pretty much identical to Dao Deity Mountain. Yang Tian imbued the golden token with his vital essence. Bang! The world shook and glowed. Seeing Dao Deity Mountain displayed, he felt good luck was coming. The more energy he imbued the token with, the more was displayed. Formation markers were ubiquitous on it. He stopped imbuing it with energy once he realised he needed to conserve his energy for the upcoming journey.

Yang Tian tried his best to memorise the terrain. There were dao palaces faintly visible atop some of the plethora of mountains. The farther he searched mountains, the more energy it cost. He was solely interested in whether or not there were valuables in the dao palaces.

People were making a scene over herbs outside.

Yang Tian passed his allies jade slips. They needed to work together to compensate for their low level: “Hang on to them. If we’re fortunate enough to be transported to the same area, meet up here.”

“You should’ve given me this earlier, and we could forget about wasting time there because we’d be well off already! Just imagine the price these maps would fetch.” Chubby noticed the mountains were identical.

“We can enter now!” announceed an elder, rushing in before everyone else followed suit except those not permitted due to ranking restrictions. Violating the rules meant dying at the entrance, after all.

Yang Tian looked around for Yang Ba, reasoning Yang Ba would be there if he knew it was opening.  Among the people stomped and knocked away, Yang Tian noticed a powerful individual Chubby noticed, as well. Neither of them was fond of aforementioned individual.

Yang Tian hollered, “Let’s go.”

The group approached the individual. A chill went down Yang Tian’s spine once he was close. When he scanned the individual, he detected a creature within his body. Strangely, the light vanished the next second. He couldn’t figure out where an emotion came from. Xiaoqing also noticed the soothing light. Yang Tian began to speculate if it was Dao Sutra. Taking a calm breath to calm his racing heart, he stepped inside.

Half a day later, the Chaos Light began to recede and close the entrance to Dao Deity Mountain. Suddenly, a chubby youth cried, “Wait. Wait for me…”

An individual in green noticed the youth. “Is he a Heaven Devourer Divine Beast?”

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