Almighty – Ch. 478

Abundance of Resources

“Ying?” asked Yang Tian, surprised to see the lass from back then.

“You… know me?” asked Hong Ying, feeling somewhat familiar with Yang Tian’s voice but unsure, since she met all of Meng Clan’s young generation already.

Meng Yunxi rushed to the door before Yang Tian could answer. She dressed revealingly, since it was late at night, thereby attracting Yang Tian’s attention. She juddered gently and blushed when she saw his eyes on her, albeit for only a split second. Yang Tian still felt awkward. Hong Ying was even more perplexed to see Meng Yunxi lose her composure; therefore, she developed an interest in Yang Tian.

“You didn’t even give me a heads up!” exclaimed Meng Yunxi, getting dressed inside.

“Hong Ying doesn’t recognise me anymore.” Yang Tian gave Hong Ying a friendly smile and shut the door behind him.

Once Yang Tian reverted to his original appearance, Hong Ying shed tears. She sobbed and threw herself into his arms. Unsure of what to do, Yang Tian patted her on the head: “Don’t cry.”

Hong Ying wiped her tears and cheerfully smiled, although tears still coursed down her face. Yang Tian laughed in a friendly manner, as he never expected her appearance to change so drastically. Meng Yunxi finally came out with her usual smile: “Are you here to collect a debt?’

“How did you know?” asked Yang Tian.

“The chubby fellow told me you would be coming,”

No wonder why she was so full of energy.

“Where have you been the entire year?” Meng Yunxi helped herself to a chair. “Li Clan was turned upside down when you left. The Overlord Body devil summoned adepts to find Yun’er!”

It wasn’t worth the effort just to obtain Formation Sect’s Inheritance because divine items were more valuable than her.

Yang Tian was bitter over the events that transpired during his clash with the youth. “Yun’er’s situation is special, so it’s in your best interests to know less.”

“She must be hiding something from me,” grumbled Meng Yunxi.

“By the way, who saved my brother?”

“I don’t know. What I do know is that he’s almost reached Autarch Realm, so your brother is safe. In regards to the divine soul, he vanished without a trace.”

Yang Tian silently prayed for Yang Xiao and felt a weight lifted off his shoulders.

“You struck it rich.” Meng Yunxi presented three interspatial rings. “There are three rank seven pills, ten rank six pills, four ten thousand year herbs, various spiritual herbs and an abundance of refinement materials, with dozens being exceptional quality.”

Colour Yang Tian surprised.

“You were very lucky hardly anyone betted on you!” added Meng Yunxi. As Yang Tian appeared smug,  she deliberately leaned in. “How about we make a deal?”

Yang Tian shivered when Meng Yunxi’s breath grazed his face. “You can pick any pill you like, but you can forget about the materials, haha.”

The pointless answer earned a glare.

Yang Tian fumbled through the pills and gave Hong Ying several elixir vials. She refused to accept the three rank five pills and Battle King pill he offered.

Meng Yunxi wagged her hand. “Don’t stand on ceremony with him because he’s an alchemist.”

Yang Tian passed over more vials. “You all get a share. I don’t need them.”

“That’s more like it.” Meng Yunxi accepted the offer without hesitation.

“Are you planning to go to Dao Deity Mountain?” asked Yang Tian, nodding with a smile.

“Obviously. It’s worth the risk,” Meng Yunxi answered with sigh.

Hong Ying: “Are you going, as well, Brother Yang Tian.”

Yang Tian got up/ “Yes. Meng Yunxi has a point. I have to get going now.”

Meng Yunxi let Yang Tian leave to avoid Meng Clan’s upper echelon targeting him. She then scrubbed Hong Yin’s head and lamented, “I have to keep up with him for the upcoming heaven and Earth tribulation.”

The moment the excited Yang Tian set foot inside the lodging, he heard a shriek. He made haste in case Chubby actually made a meal out of Dahu.

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