Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens – Ch. 637

Shameless Negotiation

Gui Ximing waded through the pillars to catch up with Mu Yu, who was ten metres in front and plodding away slowly, as if he had a vengeance to pursue. Mu Yu accepted that sometimes it was better to take one step back in order to move two steps forward, therefore backing off whenever pillars blocked the way forward.

“If I can’t make it, you can stay here with me!” Gui Ximing declared, erasing the formation mark Mu Yu left using his ghost qi.

Mu Yu, on the cusp of getting through the formation, suddenly spotted a pillar too late. “Why are there so many pillars without marks? Damn it, I don’t know which way to go!”

Bang! A pillar caught Mu Yu while he was crippled in his thoughts, taking him back out, where Gui Ximing was waiting.

“You tampered with them!” asserted Mu Yu, only sensing three marks remaining.

“I’ll let you live for a while longer. Now, let’s discuss a deal.”

“You want me to show you the way out?”

“Indeed. Show me the way out, and I shall spare you,” answered Gui Ximing, wearing his condescending countenance.

“And if I refuse?”

“You can stay here until you die,” responded Gui Ximing, opening his hand to let the formation fragments pour down.

“Have some shame!” blustered Xiaoshuai.

Mu Yu cast his gaze over to the palace, juggling his options internally. “All right. You better honour your word.”

Gui Ximing stroked his chin, playfully replying, “That’ll depend on what fate has in store for you, true?”

“Why should we stoop to Ghosty’s level? Also, this isn’t a negotiation; it’s a threat. Look at that flat chest and shameless face,” insulted Xiaoshuai.

“That’s a ‘he’,” whispered Mu Yu.

“Oh, well, he must have a pin dick, then.”

“Hahahaha,” laughed Mu Yu.

“What’s a pin dick?” the dragon vine naively queried.

“I keep telling you to read more books, but nooooo. According to a book I read called ‘Ximen Buxing’s Epic Battle Records’ at Sure-Win Betting in Clearwater City, pin dick is a vulgar term used to insult men,” expounded Xiaoshuai.

“Why did you read that garbage, Xiaoshuai? I bet Ximen Buxing was the one who wrote it.”

“Yeah, he authored it. He said it’s a limited edition with only two hundred and fifty copies!”

The dragon vine moved on long ago, querying, “Is there no other way through?”

Mu Yu shook his head. Mu Yu spawned a chair and sat down, making Gui Ximing wait for two hours.

“You done thinking?”

“What do you have your nuts in a knot for? I’m your saviour here.” Mu Yu glanced up at Gui Ximing’s irritated face and crossed his legs. “I don’t stand to gain anything. You can’t kill me, either. So, let’s discuss the terms and conditions.”

“You’re in no position to bargain.”

“Okay, let me take a nap, and then we can see how you feel about it.”

Seeing Mu Yu fake a yawn, Gui Ximing, in a low voice, asked, “What do you want?”

“I thought I just told you: I want a nap, and then we can talk.”

Gui Ximing sat down to meditate – not that he had any other option. Mu Yu didn’t actually sleep; he just wanted time to devise a plan of attack. Who in their right mind would’ve actually trusted Gui Ximing to honour a promise?

Mu Yu materialised a rock and hurled it at Gui Ximing once he was ready. “Oi, wake up. It’s time to talk business.”

Gui Ximing’s ghost qi autonomously shattered the rock hurled over. “Speak.”

“I want honest answers to a few questions.”


Receiving the tacit assent, Mu Yu inquired, “What is your goal here?”

“You would believe me?”

“You have a point. Skip. It won’t be easy to enter the palace even if we get past the formation. How do you plan to get past the golden seal covering the palace?”

“You don’t need to concern yourself with that.”

Mu Yu patted Xiaoshuai as he engaged his brain. Recalling the troublesome soul item that kept tracking him, Mu Yu demanded, “Turn over Gui Yuzi’s soul item.”

“You wish.”

“We don’t have a deal, then.”


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