Stepmom-con – Ch. 53

Chapter 53

A village chief and several of his hunters had noticed the silent soldiers march by the pathways they normally traveled. There were not many of them at first but as they followed they noticed that there were more and more that they could not count.

The Chief’s daughter had been kidnapped. They were a small tribal village of humans that were part of the great north, they lived in huts away from civilization and the nations to the south did not care for them.

When the goblins started taking their territory there was not much they could do.

Chief:”We must survive on our own.”

The chief would always tell that to the others in his village. When the goblins attacked and his daughter was kidnapped he stopped saying that.

The Chief went south to the closest Kingdom seeking help. The Kingdom however, pointed their swords at him and demanded he return north. The call for help was ignored and he could not save his daughter.

One from the tribe could easily kill a goblin if they fought one on one, but the tribe only had fifty people. The neighboring tribes were the same, and even if they were to fight the goblins together, the  number of goblins were beyond overwhelming.

It had been a few days since his daughter was kidnapped, and he rode night and day back to his village when his own scouts reported that there were massive amount of soldiers advancing on the Goblin Stronghold. The soldiers would not speak with them but they did not fight them and appeared to be going towards the goblins.

Scout:”Chief, many armored soldiers are going. We tried to speak with them but they only waved and smiled. They did not talk back but continued onward.”

Chief:”Do we know from which country they are from?”

Scout:”No, only that they are advancing on the goblins.”

Chief:”How much food do we have left?”

Scout:”Not much. The short summer is ending and winter is coming. Even if we hunt now there might not be enough. The goblins have killed and captured all the meat and game and taken over all our ancestral hunting grounds.”

The chief understood the problems of the village and looking at the hungry children and families he knew he was selfish for thinking of his own child.  She was still his child and he loved her even more than the village itself. His wife had died giving birth to her, and he saw in his daughter the last remnants of the women he most loved.

He had an adopted son whom he wanted her to marry and be partners in the future. That son was still a boy few years older than her but a hunter all the same. He came to the chief as they were discussing the events now occurring.

Son:”I want to save sister.”

Chief:”No boy, you must stay in the village.”

Son:”The soldiers are going towards the goblins, if they fight I want to help.”

Chief:”No boy, stay in the village. I will go. If something happens to me then you must take care of the village.”

Son:”But sister–”

Chief:”Boy! I may have lost my daughter to the goblins! I do not want to lose you too. Even if you are not my blood you are my son. Take care of the village and I will go with the scouts to look for an opportunity to rescue your sister.”

The boy stopped pressuring after this was said. There was no more an argument to be had.

Son:”Yes father, I will do as you say.”

The Chief got on his horse and road northward following the stream of soldiers that suddenly appeared. The soldiers had faces and bodies but they acted strange and it was not something he was able to understand.

They seemed human and yet they were beyond human.

The Goblin Emperor was sitting on a throne made of the bones of dead humans, elves and others that he had ravaged. The people in the North were now more sparse than when he settled in years ago.

He started expanding five years ago, and because goblins grow up fast and reach adult hood within weeks he was able to take over the entire area quickly. His army had gained an additional ten thousand goblins in the last three months despite the deaths suffered from fighting against the tribal humans.

He sat on his throne eating meat dripping with blood and the red fluid flowing down his long yellow teeth. There were young girls whom he captured, one of them was a prized possession and he knew she was the daughter of one of the chiefs who had fought and killed many of his subjects.

She was a silver haired girl, young but now despairing from being captured. He had already shown her what he had done with the other girls while forcing them to bear his seed. The birth of new goblins was not a pretty sight by any means and the horror in her face made him happy. His desire was to break her mind but this girl didn’t become an emotionless doll like the others.

At the beginning he was breaking every girl he captured physically but found that he could produce more and better quality offspring if they were healthier. That was what made him start to try and break the ones he favored with mental suffering. It would allow him to enjoy the body longer while he spread his seed. This girl was resilient and continued to curse at him over the last few days and now he was no longer willing to wait. He planned on physically assaulting her that night.

A goblin champion came in and began screaming in gibberish, the language of goblins.

Champion: “Emperor! Enemies! Here! Surrounded.”

Emperor:”How many?”

Champion:”More than us!”

Emperor:”Fight back!”

The Emperor threw his meat to the ground and got up. He was large for a goblin, almost the height of two human males with one standing on the shoulders of the others.

Seeing the Emperor walk out after screaming the girl was curious what could make him unsettled. Was her father coming to save her? She had been there for days, she was weak with hunger but she was still angry and ready to fight as soon as her cage was open. There wasn’t much hope for survival once captured and the horrible sights that would break most girls her age only made her angrier.

Daughter:”These horrible goblins, I’ll hurt and kill as many of them before I die!”

The Goblin Emperor came outside and went up to his peak where there were lookouts. When he saw his forces fighting humans and in large numbers he was startled. Where had such a large army come from?

Goblin Emperor:”Where do enemies come from? Did Kingdoms help?”

Champion:”Don’t know.”

Goblin Emperor:”You stupid fool!”

The Chief was watching from a hill as the soldier who said nothing engaged the goblins. The soldiers perfectly coordinated with each other and charged the smaller goblin, each clash yielded ten times more dead goblins than soldiers and the soldiers outnumbered the goblins.

The Chief looked back at those who were around him.

Chief:”Observe and look for an opportunity to save my daughter.”

Tribe Hunters:”Yes!”

They watched as the soldiers clashed. The Goblin Champions came out but a volley of arrows killed them as the soldiers rushed forward overwhelming them. The soldiers did not fear danger or death which surprised the chief.

While the Chief was mesmerized with awe and hope seeing the death of the goblins that had been terrorizing the people of the north, the Goblin Emperor could only feel something he hadn’t felt since he escaped a group of adventurers during goblin extermination: Terror.

Goblin Emperor:”Everyone attack! We have more than they do!”

The Goblin Emperor started going back into his throne area. There was a secret passage to escape from that only he knew about. He was angry about starting over, but surviving was better than dying.

The girl wasn’t sure what was going on before she saw a soldier in armor. From what she could tell he was not a goblin.

Girl:”Please! Help me!”

She called with some home in her voice now that there was something other than a goblin near by. The goblins were horrible, but before she could say more the Emperor returned and sliced the soldier in half with his Axe.

Goblin Emperor:”How he get here?”

The Emperor was enraged and he went to take the girl out of the cage. The girl was his prize and she wasn’t yet broken, he wanted to defile the daughter of the chief who had given him the most trouble. These soldiers, he swore to kill them all.


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