Stepmom-con – Ch. 120

Chapter 120

Queen Aria was in her chambers alone at night. There were a few maid servants who gave her food and water as she spent her days trapped in a small balcony within the castle. It was now night time and no one came to visit her.

When she was young King Bide saw her and wanted her. The soldiers came to take her and he made her his Queen. King Bide was much older than her however, he was in his forties while she was only sixteen when they wed.

Soon, Prince Hunte was born, then Princess Alra. After that the King lost his libido and any interest in women. All he had left was interest in power. When her family came to ask about her and wanted to ask the palace for help, instead of helping them King Bide murdered all of them.

It was something the King was allowed to do in Beipan. There was a desire to keep Prince Hunte and Princess Arla separated from their families and so Aria was locked in the tower by herself. King Bide now never came to see her.

Roy appeared nearby using the Omni-mage. The Queen despite being in her late thirties looked like a beautiful woman in her twenties. There was a sadness in her eyes but no one was there for her. It was almost as if she were a doll.

Roy after looking at her for a bit left without doing anything.

Elsewhere in the Capital Leonard was meeting with King Bide and Princess Arla was there on his arm treating some of his wounds with some healing magic. There were assistants from the temple helping with that.

Prince Leonard:”Your Majesty, how did you make such a powerful enemy?”

King Bide:”It’s simple, he tried to assault Arla and I chose not to do anything about it.”

Prince Leonard:”Is that really the only reason?”

King Bide:”It is.”

Prince Leonard:”I’ve been looking for information about Roy Wang as you call him the enemy. There had been multiple witnesses who said that he had all his limbs cut off and was in a horrifying state when he was given back to his mothers. It is likely he would have wanted to die after such an ordeal and you say none of this is your fault? You never brought him to trial.”

King Bide:”It was obvious he attempted to force himself upon Princess Aria, or are you saying that such a fate wasn’t deserved for someone who does that? Unless you’re calling my daughter a liar!”

Prince Leonard:”Your Majesty, that wouldn’t be something I would dare say. I am only stating the fact that there are many inconsistencies.”

King Bide:”Do not look more into it.”

Prince Leonard watched as King Bide left the room. He walked out through the hallways and was quickly out of sight with Arla hanging on to his arm once more.

Princess Arla: “My Lord please don’t be upset at father. He is worried as well.”

King Bide made his way to the portion of the palace where no one was allowed. It was where Queen Aria was trapped. The guard there saw King Bide approach, he almost never visited and quickly stood up trying to salute despite not being used to it. King Bide disregarded his lack of etiquette.

King Bide:”Is Queen Aria still in her chamber?”

Guard:”Yes she is your majesty, we continue to round.”

King Bide opened the chamber and walked in finding the Queen still there in her bed with dead eyes staring at the ceiling. There was not much she wanted to do. She was still beautiful but she no longer had any life.

King Bide had no regrets about locking her away, but without a libido there was no way for him to have his fun with her anymore. Instead he used girls from the country side to try and force out the libido but he had to accept he had old age and it was going away. He couldn’t have another child or successor of his own blood. While she was his wife she was still not his own flesh and blood and King Bide viewed her as an outsider.

King Bide:”He didn’t take the bait.”

That night I was in bed with the eight of them once more

Eliza:”You didn’t bring her back?”

Roy:”Where did you get information about her from?”

Alondra:”We intercepted magical messages between those in the Alliance about her. Riss and Liss had some information from a merchant network.”

Roy:”It’s bait then.”

Alondra:”Bait? What do you mean?”

Roy:”They’re going to try and use her to locate my real body and then try and send assassins to kill me that way.”

Eliza:”They won’t find this keep.”

Dhalia:”No… the Queen likely has magic placed in her body somewhere like all Royal Blood does. It’s to prevent ransoms and kidnapping.”

Alondra:”King Bide must be more intelligent than we thought. All of us almost fell for it.”

Roy:”Just leave her alone. After I destroy King Bide she will become the ruler after and they’ll have to find a way to take care of her.”

They all said nothing else and it was another night where I hardly slept.

The next afternoon I went to the capital again. This was the last day I could attack before the demon gate opened up. I wasn’t too concerned with the demons since Erisu was setting up the soldiers around it. On the map there were virtually no gaps and she went there in the level seven soldier to fight as well.

The level seven soldiers were now slightly more powerful than her own body. This is how I could tell this was real, because there wasn’t some weird power progression or power creep. Everything was what it was.

I once again approached the Capital and there was Prince Leonard waiting at the gates.

Roy:”You want more?”

Prince Leonard:”I’ll do whatever it takes to stop you!”

Roy:”Look man, just choose another Fiance. You can do better than her. She framed me then killed my best friends children, ripping them from their mother’s wounds before killing him after.”

Prince Leonard:”Liar!”

Prince Leonard charged at me with everything he had. I took out the shield and blocked his attack but he kept coming at me in full anger.

Prince Leonard:”You killed my mother and now you want to slander and kill my fiance!”

I guarded with the shield as he kept going. Each of his attacks felt heavier than the next. The magic in his body flowed outward and it was clear he was going beyond himself to try and defeat me after everything was dragged out yesterday with many people dying.

Prince Leonard:”The Demon invasion starts tomorrow and instead of putting aside the petty differences to save the continent you come here and try to kill the pillars that hold up the Alliance!”

He wasn’t going to listen, but the current form of the soldier wasn’t able to fight against him. I’d be able to power up more easily when the demons start invading. The more the army kills the stronger the soldiers become.

We kept going and the heroes among those who were watching began to cheer for the prince.

Crowd:”Prince Leonard! Slay the demon!”

Crowd:”Prince Leonard! Defeat the evil one!”

I could care less. I really don’t care what people think about me anymore. I’m already doing it at night with my sister-mom. I can’t be bothered with what others might think of me anymore.

Roy:”You’re a lot stronger today.”

Prince Leonard:”It’s to make sure I kill you!”

Roy:”So you held back the last time?”

Prince Leonard began to burn his energy, his body became more ripped and the skin seemed to tear on his face. He was damaging himself to get stronger. Is this true love? Or just one sided love. Why would Princess Arla let him come and fight me like this?

It didn’t matter.

I was still stronger. I fought back with him through the afternoon. Other heroes tried to step in but each time.

Prince Leonard:”Stay back, no one else has to die! I will defeat him!”

Perhaps he looks like a hero to them but he is still a so-called hero who was tricked. He was Princess Arla’s Fiance right? Well, I should leave him the same way she left me for my Fiance.

It was almost time for dinner and Prince Leonard was tiring out. I stepped forward and in a quick maneuver from the hundreds of bouts we fought I cut off both of his arms and legs and to make sure they couldn’t be reattached I switched over to an lightening mage and ran electricity all the way through until the limbs were thoroughly burnt.

Roy:”I’m done for today. Let’s see if the Princess still loves you now! I’ll be back after the demon invasion starts in 2 to 3 days.”

I turned to leave but stopped…

Roy:”Oh, if you can manage to get Princes Arla Pregnant I will at least spare her so she can bare your child but she won’t be a Princess. She can maybe spend her life quietly with you in the country side or something. I’m still killing King Bide and Prince Hunte.”

I then left with no one daring to follow me.


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