Stepmom-con – Ch. 76

Chapter 76

Roy:”I believe you!”

I yelled back to Sperra as Alondra took me into a carriage that was heavily guarded by elf swordsmen and archers as we made our way through the streets. Alondra sat across from me in the carriage with a permanent smile on her face. We were alone and there was a sound proof spell that prevented those outside from hearing anything we would say or do. The windows had a spell that prevent the outside from seeing in.

Roy:”Where am I going to be staying?”

Alondra:”Baby, you’re staying with me in the palace.”

Alondra had a playful smile on her face along with soft pink lips. She was smaller than all the others, around two centimeters shorter than I was and as petite as they come. Alondra’s long pointed ears only added to her charm as her eyes glowed with magic in them.

Roy:”Mom, is there anything I should know about being here? Any expectations?”

Alondra:”None, just enjoy your time with me baby.”

Alondra winked.

Roy:”So I just follow you around?”

Alondra:”If you want, baby. Most of my day is boring with all the meetings and other things to attend. If you remember how it was with Dhalia where you stayed home most of the time it could be similar to that unless you want to go out. I have many in my court who can escort you and give you a tour of the Elven Kingdom but please don’t go too far because I only have you for six months right now.”

Roy:”I see, well I think it might be better for me to follow you around then.”

Alondra:”That sounds fantastic. Come with mama, and I’ll show you how I rule over my people. If you get bored of it though, I can have you explore. I’ll go with you too in a week or two.”

Alondra didn’t seem to have the same kind of aggressive attitude that Sperra had in forcing me to go with her and taking me on an adventure I didn’t want to go. I was glad for a return to some normalcy.

When I lived in the village with Xeneva we would stay in one place and it was the same at Adventure City. Sperra took me completely out of what I was used too where we adventured like we were homeless. It was nice to stay in one place for a few days like the Lizard Kingdom but most of the time I was dirty and couldn’t bathe, and whenever I did bathe Sperra would insist on bathing with me out in the wilderness.

Compared to that this was heaven. It wasn’t that bad in the wilderness but it wasn’t comfortable and I didn’t sleep well when I sweated or was dirty.

Roy:”Mom, do elves accept humans?”

Alondra:”No, not normally. Elves look down on humans unless they have merits. Since you’re my son, that’s your merit and you won’t be treated badly while you’re here.”

Roy:”Why do elves look down on my kind?”

Alondra:”It’s not your kind, you’re my baby. You’re our kind since you were born out of me.”

Does that mean I’m also a beast man, vampire and succubi as well since I was born from them? I don’t think Alondra cares for that sort of logic. She seems more interested in other things like getting into my pants.

Why did Erisu have to give permission for me to do it with them? You’d think a girl from my home world would at least have the same sensibilities against impropriety like a child and their parent doing immoral things. Did she read those strange comics online? She was from Japan where most of that originates from.

Alondra:”Baby, you’re going to sleep in the same bed as mama right? I only got to breast feed you once when you were a baby, and I have the mana to do it again. I feel sorry for Sperra who can’t do like your three smaller moms.”

Alondra seemed to try and lure me in. Erisu said I could. With Sperra she was more rough around the edges and made crude jokes but Alondra seemed far more dangerous than even the succubus.

Roy:”Mom, what are you trying to do?”

Alondra:”Nothing, I just want to be a good mother who takes care of and pampers her only beloved son. You are my baby after all.”

Alondra’s voice was sweet with up and down intonations. There was so much naughtiness in her voice that I couldn’t even start.

Roy:”Mom, I resisted the other three. Please don’t play games like this.”

Alondra:”Oh my baby is so naive. The other three spend much of their time in one expertise. One does business, one manages adventuring and the third hunts. Mama does all three, and mama has to constantly read people more than simply making a contract. After all, mama runs an entire kingdom that requires many different things.”

Roy:”What’s the rule of this anyway? Any one of you could easily overpower me and just do it with me. I would also forgive you if that happened because you all helped remove the curse, so why are you all trying so hard this way?”

Alondra stared into my eyes with her own. The light color of the green in her eyes reflected the sunlight coming through the window and the glow seemed to brighten even more. She was wearing dress that barely showed any part of her, like Dhalia and Xeneva she covered most of her body in public. I think only Sperra shows off but then again she is of the beast race and getting an outfit for her would require a lot more material.

Alondra:”If you’re not doing it voluntarily then there is no point to it at all. Baby, even though we want you we also don’t want to force you. Instead we want you to embrace it willingly in a way that you won’t feel guilty at all. If I’m able to get that from you then in all fairness you’ll have to do it with Xeneva, Sperra and Dhalia since you have to treat all your mamas equally.”

I couldn’t say much else about the situation since I was also speechless by this.

Roy:”What about after I get married?”

Alondra:”We’ll still be looking for opportunities.”

Roy:”Why? Isn’t this unhealthy to be lusting after your son like this? What about incest?”

Alondra:”Incest? That’s only taboo because people make it that way. It’s healthy for a mother and son to do things like this. Haven’t you heard of genetic sexual attraction?”

Roy:”Genetic what? We don’t even have the same genetics!”

Alondra smirked.

Alondra:”You were still inside me, and I want you inside me again.”

I made a face, I don’t even know what kind of face I made but it was one where I was shocked and didn’t know how to react to all of this. I knew while Xeneva raised me she wanted me. When I was depressed and asked her to do it with me she rejected me then.

Roy:”So you want me to want that kind of relationship with the four of you?”

Alondra:”Yes, that sums it up. You’ll have three wives and the four of us will be around to also bear you children.”

I couldn’t help but react to that statement. They want to bear me children as well? Isn’t there something wrong with this?

Roy:”What about everyone else? You’re all calling yourself my mothers in front of everyone so what would they think if you had my children?”

Alondra:”Does it matter what they think? What do you think? You spent time in me, don’t you think it would be a nice place for your children to come out of as well?”

This is crazy! I can’t even… I’m not even…

Alondra burst out laughing at me. Her laugh sounded sweet and innocent but I could tell that there was a lot of manipulation and teasing in it. Shaking her head she looked at me.

Alondra:”Baby, what is mama going to do with you? Come on, you don’t have to ask those questions. Try and relax while you’re here.”

The carriage reached the palace and I was still wearing the band of impotency. If I hadn’t worn it I’m afraid I’d have made a mess from her words in the carriage. I know I’m trying to avoid this but I can’t help but fantasize about it. The fact it was forbidden only made me want it more.

After what Alondra told me, it was obvious that the four of them would always be a part of my life and until the day I die they might constantly be trying to… get me to impregnate them. This is kind of like what happened with Dong Chen but with the difference being that they don’t have any benefit or removal of any curse from it.

No… these women weren’t someone who got stronger when doing the deed with a specific person, they were just perverted old women who wanted my body. Perverted, beautiful and so hot to the point where it hurts just being around them.

I followed Alondra to the palace, it was one that wasn’t made by human hands. The designs of everything around had an angular and aesthetically pleasing wooden motif. The majority of structures and furniture were made purely of wood, that is a single piece of solid wood and not wood that was cut to pieces then nailed together.

I followed Alondra to the high tower where there was a large spacious room, there were elven females that were tending this area which included a large bath and hallway. There was a kitchen on this hall where dishes I hadn’t seen before were being prepared.

Alondra took me to a room with a large bed inside. It was a wooden room with leaves on the ceiling that let the sunlight come through and large windows all around along with a balcony. When looking out from the high elevation of this building it’s easy to see the entire Elven city and the many forests out. It is a magnificent sight that nothing in the modern world could compare too.

Alondra:”So you like it up here don’t you? This is where you’re going to sleep. This is my room, my little baby.”

I should have figured this would happen again. I haven’t had any private time since I was reincarnated in this world. First it was Xeneva, Dhalia and Sperra. Now it’s an elven Queen that’s going to force me to sleep in the same room.

This would have been a nice situation if they weren’t all my moms and trying to get me to do something that shouldn’t be moral. I am being obstinate yes, but the more women you sleep with the more complicated everything gets in the end. I would then have to be responsible for how each woman feels and have to look after their feelings.

Erisu might agree with it now but what if she gets jealous in the future? I wasn’t even all that happy with Sarai and Mana being my future wives as well… sure they’re beautiful but since I’ve worn the band of impotency I’ve come to realize things that most men cannot. Once the sex drive isn’t there, only heart ache and forced feelings remain.

Roy:”Fine, there’s nothing I can do to make you let me have my own room anyway.”

Alondra:”Oh baby don’t say that… you know what the four of us want.”

Roy:”I just can’t betray Erisu.”

Alondra:”Erisu already said you could do it with us.”

Roy:”I don’t understand why she would agree to that. I bet Justin must have said something weird to her.”

Alondra laughed.

Alondra:”Justin did bring it up with her, but the Empress was the one who said there was nothing wrong with it.”

Roy:”The Empress?”


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