Stepmom-con – Ch. 69

Chapter 69

With that we traveled for three more days. I’m sure we crossed over a thousand miles based on how fast Sperra ran. She was always snuggling next to me at night and asking me how I was feeling.

Sperra didn’t say much, most of what she did was physical and I think I ended up suckling more than I intended as it kind of became an every night when sleeping thing. If I was being honest, I liked doing that. I liked doing that with Dhalia too, but I can’t tell them.

If I told them, I’d be encouraging them. They already liked kissing me and would use any excuse for equality among them. There was very little I could do back to them. I could try summoning my army but I don’t think the soldiers would be able to stop them from getting to me. They’re all extremely powerful and I wasn’t sure what their level was.

We finally reached the entrance of the tomb, Sperra put me down and hugged me.

Sperra:”Are you afraid?”

Roy:”Yes, I mean we’re going into a tomb aren’t we?”

Sperra:”Your first time, of course you’ll be scared. Don’t worry, just hold mommy’s hand.”

She had a wide smile on her face. I could tell she was very happy to have me and there was very little I could do about it. I walked with her and followed her as the tomb itself began to rumble. There was an ominous voice coming from it.

Ominous Voice:”Turn away mortals, or this will be your grave.”

It spoke in a way that tried to be spooky, using long vowel sounds like you would see in the movies where they would exaggerate the words to scare you. It’s a lot more scary in real life than in the movies.

Roy:”Mom, do we have to go in?”

Sperra:”Mommy has to kill the lich, if you’re scared you can just hang onto mommy.”

In size I was like a child compared to her so her talking to me like I was a child felt strangely appropriate. When we took a few more steps towards the tomb there were a few undead that came out.

Sperra:”Undead, how weak.”

Sperra let go of my hand and quickly smashed into them completely destroying all of them. Then she turned to me.

Sperra:”Come on Roy, let’s go on an adventure in here. I can see in the dark.”

There were so many problems with this. Going into a tomb? You’re taking someone like me who isn’t strong at all into a tomb dungeon? I sent soldiers into these things and there are traps and monsters everywhere!

Roy:”Mom can I just wait out here?”

Sperra:”No, come here Roy! Come with mommy.”

Roy:”Mom, I’m scared!”

I was really scared. This was a real dungeon and I could really die. I know I died before but I felt like this death would be permanent if something goes wrong.

Sperra:”It’ll be safe as long as you’re with mommy, come on!”

Roy:”I don’t want to!”

Sperra shook her head then moved over to me. I tried to get away but she was too fast and I was already in her arms as she carried me on her hip like a child into the dungeon. I was pressed to the side of her enormous breasts so there was a slight win.

I don’t even know anymore. All my moms are beautiful beyond my imagination so it’s not my fault I like this okay!

Roy:”It’s dark and there are zombies and I hate zombies. They smell bad.”

Sperra:”Mommy’s nose is thousands of times more sensitive than yours so you don’t have an excuse there. That’s why mommy is a hunter and beast people make the best hunters. Now Mommy is going to kill the lich, then after that we can go wherever you want alright?”

Roy:”How long will it take to kill the lich?”

Sperra:”Not long.”

We continue into the corridor and through the entrance where there are a lot of hieroglyphs or at least things that look like picture writing on the walls. I hate tombs like this, I didn’t even like taking control of a soldier when exploring tomb dungeons.

We continued onward where I continued to feel a chill on my neck as we moved on. Eventually we got deeper where there were several monsters. Sperra however took care of them quickly after having me wait in a corner.

Watching the giant beast woman flex and smash them to bits was inspiring in a way. None of the soldiers in the army could do that and it made me feel like the death of the Goblin Emperor was because the difference between someone who was strong versus the average person was an insurmountable gap.

Sperra:”See, monsters are easy to kill come on let’s go.”

I follow Sperra again standing very closely behind her. It was then I noticed her long tail and her butt which was very nicely shaped.


Sperra:”Roy, what’s wrong?”

Sperra suddenly turned to me when I was trying to tell myself to stop looking at her butt. It was large but had a shape that looked small on her tall frame. I could just imagine it bouncing off my stomach.

I don’t understand why I kept thinking that way. Was this because of all the close contact I’ve had with her in the last few days?


Sperra:”You’re blushing.”

Roy:”I’m wearing a band of impotence so it won’t happen.”

Sperra gave me a smirk and her tail brushed off my neck as she grabbed my hand and pulled me with her deeper into the tomb.

Sperra:”Let’s stop a bit and let me do some sensing. If I sniff around a bit I’ll be able to figure out which direction got go next.”

I had a map that I could summon out like a screen and look around. Sperra couldn’t see the screen but I could and so I looked around to see how the tomb looked. There were monsters all over the place and the Lich himself was at the deepest part of the dungeon.

It was miles away, and I wasn’t sure how long this whole thing would take, not to mention the soldiers. I could summon them but then Sperra would know. I don’t know if I want any of them to know just yet since I didn’t know who were my allies and enemies in this world. I got the feeling that there were jealous eyes on me because of Erisu, Sarai and Mana.

Sperra:”Let’s go in this direction.”

Sperra pointed down a hall. I decide to follow her. Several traps were sprung by the wall but Sperra had no problem stopping them. Arrows were broken and stopped mid air. An axe was smashed when it swung down on her and several undead bat like monsters were ripped apart by her hands.

Sperra:”That takes care of that, come on Roy let’s go!”

I followed Sperra further in, and there were more undead but they were weaker monsters. Zombies, maybe a skeleton soldier. The strength of the lich was unknown but Sperra seemed to enjoy smashing them with her hands. Her weapons were not taken out.

Sperra:”These are weak monsters, maybe the Lich isn’t as strong as I thought. Might not have made a difference if we let it join with the demon lord.”

Roy:”Did you fight this lich before?”

Sperra:”The last invasion he was at the forefront and we fought but he ran away. I had been looking for clues to where his tomb was. Alondra and Dhalia combined magic to use a spell that greatly weakened him.”

Roy:”They fought him together but you’re hunting him alone?”

Sperra:”Beast Men are naturally immune to magic so we can fight them easily.”

More news to me.

Sperra:”Come on, this tomb is very large. It’ll take a while to map it out.”

Sperra took out some paper and drew the trail we walked in. We had gone a mile or two inside but we had hardly covered anything in the tomb. There were still much stronger monsters somewhere inside and I wasn’t sure what to think.

I checked my bag and took out a little bit of water and a snack to eat while Sperra was drawing. I watched her use a small tool, and it appears she was very good at drawing and marking.

Roy:”You draw very well mom.”

Sperra:”Thanks Roy, I spent hundreds of years practicing.”

Sperra had a proud face. I was a bit tired so I took out a small mat and lay down on it.

Sperra:”Roy, I think it should be safe here. I’ll go and explore around a bit.”


Sperra:”You’re not afraid of being alone?”

Roy:”I trust you mom.”

Sperra smiled.

Sperra:”I’ll be back shortly.”

Sperra left to go a bit deeper into the tomb and I saw her back. I wasn’t exactly happy with this ‘adventure’ but at the same time it wasn’t like I could do anything else. This is what Sperra wants and I’m only doing this for six months.

I was glad Xeneva raised me in a small quiet village, would have been happy with Dhalia too but a life like this would have been harsh since I don’t have a physique that most adventurers needed.

I closed my eyes to rest.

When I woke up I wasn’t sure what time it was. I got up and Sperra hadn’t come back yet. Opening the map, I had enough soldiers now that I could look for her location and she was on the other side of the large Tomb over a hundred miles away.


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