Stepmom-con – Ch. 67

Chapter 67

Jorga and Sperra sat there at the table. Jorga showed the respects he had to Sperra as the guards were near by. There was an unpleasant look on their faces.

Jorga:”You are going to leave the tribe for that human?”

Sperra:”I plan to leave for the rest of his lifespan. I will still be around after he is gone and will return unless I have children.”


Sperra:”The outside world might influence me, that I won’t deny.”

Jorga:”You traveled before with a group, you were not influenced then even though you spent a few hundred years.”

Sperra:”There is nothing to say, I have given the tribe everything and I do not owe anymore.”

Jorga and the others nodded. They were now a strong tribe of a few thousand members with many of them being able to go out into the world and hunt better than they had before Sperra had took over. They did not create civilization in their lands because their mantra was to hunt.

Their numbers rose as their ability to hunt grew and they earned many supplies from others by killing the stronger and more mysterious monsters on the continent.

Jorga:”I will miss you.”

Sperra:”I will return for six months after this. I have to teach you all the rest of the skills I have, and then the tribe should be able to operate independent of me.”

Jorga:”Thank you.”

Sperra:”Wherever I am, you will still be able to call me to help if you need.”

Jorga and the rest bowed as Sperra went back to her hut. She had a pouch that was able to store items into a larger space which she carried on her hip. It was an item made by Dhalia, and an item that Roy didn’t have because he wasn’t an adventurer.

Now she brought one out for him because he was going to go with her. Pora was walking nearby.

Sperra:”Pora, is Roy in my hut?”

Pora:”Yes Grand Chief. He is weak, how will he go on an adventure? I could kill him with my finger.”

Sperra smacked Pora.


Sperra:”Don’t talk bad about him. He is not a beast man. He is human and he has no special abilities or magic.”

Pora:”Then why do you give him attention?”

Sperra:”I love him.”

Pora:”Love? What is love?”

Sperra:”It’s a complicated feeling that humans have much more of, and the more you interact with them the more you will understand. One day when you have children you might experience it as well.”

Pora:”I see. Then I hope I can experience this too one day.”

Sperra:”It might be better if you don’t.”

Sperra realized that the way the customs and culture of the tribe she helped establish worked that getting attached to people and things can often lead to more pain. Most of the members of the tribe would simply accept when someone dies on a hunt if they don’t return at the appointed time.

Pora:”Is it bad to love when you hunt?”

Sperra:”It can hinder.”

Pora:”Then love is useless isn’t it. Why does Grand Chief have something useless?”

Sperra mulled over thinking that perhaps over the last one hundred years she forced too much efficiency and forgot about everything else that might be important in life. She could only shake her head as she didn’t think she would ever have love for a weak human.

Sperra:”Perhaps it is useless, but since I’m entangled in it I cannot let go.”

Pora:”Then I should kill the human that is causing you this problem.”

Before Pora could take another step or move there was a blade at her neck and she was pushed up agains the wall. Sperra had a fierce look in her eyes that Pora was completely frightened of and couldn’t react.

Pora:”Grand Chief…”

Sperra:”I have taught you wrong Pora. I have taught the village wrong.”

Jorga came out of the hut.

Jorga:”Sperra, I will teach her to soften her stance. It was only in the last twenty years that you’ve changed as well. A difference in culture would require more than one generation to easily accept.”

Sperra: “Jorga?”

Jorga: “Pora, love is an emotion. Haven’t you been angry before?”


Sperra put Pora down and let her run over to Jorga. She hid behind Jorga afraid of Sperra now.

Jorga:”Right now you’re afraid of Sperra even though she’s the Grand Chief. Do you know why she had always been gentle with you but suddenly got angry when you threatened to harm Roy?”

Pora:”But Roy is weak.”

Jorga:”And right now you’re weak. Most monsters would kill you easily, but if anyone hurt you I would be angry too. If Sperra hurt you I would fight Sperra to the death afterward even though she is the Grand Chief.”


Sperra relaxed herself. The thought of Roy dying at his age made her angry but now she also realized that she was overcome with emotion.

Sperra:”I’m sorry for being angry at you Pora, but Roy is important to me. If anyone kills him I will kill them, like how your father will kill anyone who hurts you.”

Pora remained silent, she was still trembling from what just happened. Pora’s relationship with Sperra would likely never be the same again, and Sperra also realized this.

Emotions were hard and strange. They fluctuated from day to day and sometimes for no reason at all.

Sperra:”I’ll take Roy and leave tomorrow.”

Jorga bowed.

Jorga:”Thank you for everything you have given to me Grand Chief. I will try to move the tribe to understand emotions better.”

Sperra:”You are willing to just change the culture and customs?”

Jorga:”If someone who has lived as long as you change and don’t have a problem doing so then those of us who are only a few decades old should be able to accept things like that as well.”

Jorga bent down and hugged Pora who was still afraid.

Jorga:”I’ve seen you become a bit stronger and more motivated since you found something you love.”

Jorga carried his daughter away and left Sperra there thinking about the situation for a moment. It’s true she had changed but she hadn’t realized that the elders and those who had run the village with her also noticed that within her. They weren’t upset or angry with her either.

Some tears came down her eyes as she walked back towards her hut but she dried them before seeing Roy.


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