Stepmom-con – Ch. 96

Chapter 96

Listening to these two I couldn’t help but wonder how I ended up reading stories about such relationships between parents and child.

Roy:”Then what about you Dong Chen?”

Dong Chen:”Oh me? I got Etero pregnant, then I went back and just had sex everyday with the disciples of the Blossoming Flowers. My body got to the point where I could do it constantly without getting tired. I could control it, but since I had my happy ending coming the world was going to reset and that’s when I got an opportunity to freeze it.”

Troy 3.0:”Yes, same with me. The world was going to reset and there would be a different transmigrator taking over so that Anon can enjoy watching a different person to get himself off. He’s really the deity of perverse familial relations.”

Roy:”What does he get out of it?”

Dong Chen:”The same thing perverts like us get when we read novels like these… or actually we got to live it out so it’s actually not bad. I had no girls in my previous life and after switching out and going through some crap I now have a fulfilling life with very little drama.”

Troy 3.0:”Yeah, after working it hard and getting to where I am it’s not fair that everything is reset because the drama is gone.”

Roy:”Drama, so are you telling me that there are things that I have to do as well.”

Dong Chen:”You need to get your world to the point where there are no more threats to your happiness. The world itself is real but Anon has a reset button where he can pull people in from a list of those that die after reading from that website.”

Roy:”Wait, but didn’t you talk to Jordan Lin? Err… your previous self for a bit? Doesn’t that mess up the timeline?”

Dong Chen:”No, the fact is I wasn’t talking to Jordan Lin. I don’t even know what happened to him and I never talked to him after we switched.”

Roy:”It was in the novel though, I read it.”

Dong Chen:”It was just Anon pretending to be in connection to me.”


Dong Chen:”He impersonated me when he talked to you the first time. Don’t you see?”

Troy 3.0: Look, the fact is we need to get together and end this Anon guy. Our worlds are frozen by Wu Jizun for now so the reset button won’t work. After we take him out we get to go back and live our lives.”

I was too caught up in all of it that I almost forgot what happened in my situation. The trauma was so great I wanted to forget.

Roy:”I screwed up then, there’s no point. I think it’s better it’s reset in my world.”

Dong Chen:”What do you mean?”

Troy 3.0:”Sorry, we were too busy watching the other non-powered scenarios where a main character ends up doing it with his mom. We didn’t really pay much attention to yours because in your iteration you were too busy ‘saving yourself’ for your precious Erisu. We got bored and moved onto something else but since you’re here now then you must either be going through a metamorphosis or your power is increasing or something.”

Roy:”What? No, nothing like that happened.”

Troy 3.0 waved his hand and a screen popped up. It was all black but both Dong Chen and Troy were watching it intently. They had some horrified expressions.

Roy:”Aren’t you just watching a black screen?”

Dong Chen:”We can see it but you can’t. We also can’t tell you about other things that are happening in your world. If we try to talk about—-  we get silenced.”

There was a pause in the words that Dong Chen spoke. It was strange and unnatural.

Troy 3.0: “We’ve been here for a few months already watching all the different worlds. Some of the others have come to visit but couldn’t stay as their time came to an end and the next took over their spot. There were a few that came because they were knocked out by a bully or the BDSM put them into a coma but once they awakened they went back. We are informed of their length of stay.”

Roy:”Then what about mine?”

Dong Chen:”We can’t say what we saw unless you experienced it. We saw you get tortured but I’m only going to tell you that everything will be fine when you leave this place. Besides, we need your help. You’re a crucial factor.”

Troy 3.0:”You should use your last slot to get the omni-magic user and teleport your guys to the other continent to get points. After you have enough to ensure your safety I’m sure you’re thinking of revenge right?”

Roy:”Revenge. Yes I want revenge. They killed my best friend! I want them all dead! I want to torture them and flay them. I’m going to kill that King and his Son and I’m going to burn all of them to the ground!”

I felt rage welling up in my chest. I felt there was an indescribable anger that I couldn’t get out. Justin was gone, he was gone for good. I couldn’t do anything about Justin now being dead…

Dong Chen: “Revenge doesn’t go in your current life like it does in movies. In fact it’ll probably end up stupid and you’ll be disappointed.”

I heard what he said but I still wanted it.

Roy:”Wait… couldn’t I bring Justin back to life? I mean, my dad appeared in this world 20 years ago and he disappeared from my life twenty years ago as well. Doesn’t that mean- how does Anon determine who will be where?”

Troy 3.0:”Listen Roy. Transmigration is a strange thing. I’m not even sure how things were set up in your current world but I believe there is a sort of a destiny involved with it. There are other transmigrators ahead of us as well in these worlds since the timelines don’t align. People have disappeared all throughout history but my guess is that there is a long line of transmigration and reincarnation candidates that are just waiting in line.”

Roy:”Then what about Justin?”

Dong Chen:”We can’t explain everything but what I can say is that the timelines aren’t parallel. You already noticed this when Justin came to your timeline eighteen years later despite the fact in the original world he died two days later.”

Troy 3.0:”It’s more like everyone who died has their soul in stasis waiting for a chance to either transmigrate or switch with someone in that world.”

I guess it makes sense but it also doesn’t make sense but I’m not in any real position to question any of it right now.

Dong Chen sat down and so did Troy 3.0. They pointed to the ground signaling me to do the same so I sat with them.

Dong Chen:”About nine months will pass in the world you’re in before you’re back to your body. I don’t know how it’s going to be but you should still be able to use your abilities. We got the full list of abilities before you got here and we’re going to help you make a strategy.”

Troy 3.0:“We need your help to be able to go back to our normal lives anyway.”

Roy:”Full list of abilities?”

I thought I got the full list. I thought I had everything.

Troy 3.0:”You’re the main character of one of those system type scenarios. This means that not everything is going to be revealed to you right away and once you maximize your system then all your enemies will die in front of you. That’s how that novel goes.”

Dong Chen:”That’s right. If all your abilities were revealed at once then those who are reading the novel would stop. Also, it’d limit how far the author can go and most people who write these kinds of novels online want it to go for thousands of chapters and they keep adding some new thing to it.”

Troy 3.0:”Personally I find the ‘growing stronger’ trope very boring. They explain how a pill is made, how someone levels up… I mean I get that some people like reading it and maybe the first time you read it it’s interesting but after reading the same kind of thing over and over you grow tired of that s***.”

Dong Chen:”Most of it is crap.”

Roy:”Okay… okay, you said that these worlds are real then why are they compared to novels?”

Troy 3.0 and Dong Chen looked at each other.

Troy 3.0:”I explained it to you so now it’s your turn to explain it to him.”

Dong Chen:”Alright. Roy, as you know, there are many different universes and all the different universes also make many different scenarios. This is what we call the multiverse, however the multiverse itself is not infinite. The universe we came from is one with absolutely no magic and people from that universe can transmigrate, be reincarnated or switch places with people from other universes sometimes also assuming their identity.”

Roy:”Okay. Then what about this about being the main character.”

Dong Chen:”All the novels we read online is an author recording someone going through one of these trends. That’s why isekai has been getting more popular lately because the gods of fiction who exist in between universes can pick who to send where then send those thoughts and ideas to what we call authors or writers. The more authors and writers write about a specific subject the more power and influence they have over each other.”

Roy:”So the multiverse is some huge pissing contest between deities who like making fiction?”

Dong Chen:”Something like that. No one knows how the multiverse formed but Wu Jizun himself is part of that.”

Roy:”I see. Continue.”

Dong Chen:”Anon, is a fictional deity-like being who wants to promote the oedipus complex in fiction. He gets off on it, so he looks for candidates to replace characters and will manipulate the author to change the ending to a happy one before he resets a scenario he likes.”

Roy:”Resets a scenario?”

Dong Chen:”The deities of fiction in between the multiverse can reset scenarios and replace people in those scenarios with people from our original universe. So whom we currently refer to as Troy 3.0 because he’s the third Troy we know of was a situation where Anon saw the potential for such a relationship between Vyvyan and Elizabeth. In the reality of the multiverse such situations are extremely rare, so he saves several of them to reset until he gets the results he wants.”

Troy 3.0:”In the case of my world, the first Troy survived in the first scenario and just went with his mom and rejected his real blood mother Elizabeth. The Second scenario he thought it would work out and so he had a Chinese Author write it after replacing Troy with someone from China. Then the novel got banned in China so he had to manipulate someone to write it again in a country that wasn’t banned.”

Roy:”You’re telling me the authors and such were manipulated by this Anon who ‘saved’ these scenarios because he gets off on mother-son stuff?”

Troy 3.0 and Dong Chen then looked at each other, smiled then looked back at me.

Troy 3.0: “You get off on it too don’t you? I mean, you read the novels as well. You even read the so called fan-fiction which was about me.”

Dong Chen: “You then read about me including the disgusting stuff that happened in the end. Haha, you’re a hypocrite if you don’t consider yourself one of us. Eventually we became proud of our degeneracy though, because I mean who doesn’t want to impregnate beautiful women?”

Troy 3.0:”Especially when you don’t even have to pay child support! Fantasy worlds are the best!”

Dong Chen:”None of that matters if our world is reset though.”

Roy:”Wait, but you’re not even sure if he is going to reset you.”

Dong Chen:”He will probably reset it once it gets around to it and have it authored in different worlds as well. We’re at the end point of our journey in our world so it’s obvious that’s going to happen.”

Troy 3.0:”Out of all the mother-son scenarios we’re the only three who have powers and abilities so we need your help. Take care of your-”

I suddenly felt myself blacking out and I was no longer in that room with them. My body felt small and weak, was the nine months done already? I wasn’t even sure what was happening or why I would be gone for nine months.


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