Stepmom-con – Ch. 57

Chapter 57

Erisu received the notification about the demon invasion being delayed for two years delivered by a messenger. She was with her closest companions Sarai and Mana. They had slept in the same bed as her every night and had practically become her sisters.

Erisu:”This… this isn’t what I was hoping for.”

Sarai:”It’s because you want to go back to Roy don’t you?”


Mana and Sarai both hugged her.

Mana:”We’ll visit him from time to time but we have to travel now because of the desire to keep the purity. The others girls have said they will travel with us to survey the landscapes so we know the place better when it comes to fighting and defending.”

Sarai:”The churches records say the portals usually come from outside our current area.”

Erisu:”I guess so, but I’m upset!”

Erisu jumped on the bed, wiggled around like she was throwing a tantrum.

Erisu:”I wanted to get married to him, have babies… now I have to wait two years before it happens? I…”

Mana hugged her.

Mana:”Truth is I want to do it too. I want to know what it’s like.”

As the two girls spoke Sarai blushed a little.

Mana:”Want to say something Sarai?”

Sarai:”I’m a holy priestess who values her purity!”

Mana and Erisu laughed at this as Sarai then took a deep breath and sighed.

Sarai:”I suppose it would be nice.”

Erisu:”See she wants it too!”

Erisu and Mana giggled over the girl who was more stiff about such relations.

Mana:”It’s just nice to be like this. I spent my entire life doing nothing but studying magic. Morning until night it was practice, training the body then practice again.”

Erisu:”Training the body?”

Sarai:”Same with me. Practice while praying, then exercising.”

Erisu:”Why do you have to train like I do?”

Mana:”The better in shape your body is, the better the mana flows. You notice that there are not overweight or heavy mages or wizards? If the body isn’t fit and trained the mana might encounter undue blockages.”

Erisu thought about how mages in most media was in her previous world and how most of them were fit and thin. Maybe they were onto something? No, it must be a coincidence.

Erisu:”My body changed a lot and I’m worried Roy might not like it.”

Mana:”If he loves you he’ll like it.”

Sarai:”Yes, you look better than before.”

As they were sitting in their room a knock on the door was heard. Mana used her magic to call out to the person there.

Mana:”Who is it?”

Arla: “It’s Arla, we were all wondering if you would like to plan what we should do since the invasion is delayed by two years.”

Erisu:”Tell her we’ll meet in an hour since the news was so sudden.”

Mana:”We’ll meet everyone in an hour then, gives us time to talk about it as well.”

Arla:”I’ll gather everyone and we’ll meet in an hour at the commons.”

Mana:”Thank you.”

Sarai:”Erisu, what do you think of that girl Arla?”

Erisu:”I like her. She’s the princess of the Beipan Kingdom isn’t she? She’s always so helpful and always there for us. I keep thinking if she had wanted to be one of us I’d like that.”

Mana:”I feel she’s hiding her true self.”


Mana:”I can’t say for sure but Sarai and I have been trying to keep you a bit distant from her because of that.”

Erisu:”Do you really think she is so bad?”

Sarai:”It isn’t that she is bad but she is a princess and so it’s hard for her to relate to us. You told us about your previous life how you were forced to sing and dance day after day.”

Erisu did not like those days but they were still ways in which she earned her keep and life. The dark side of the entertainment industry made it difficult for her to escape the fate but coming her gave her so much more.

Erisu:”Let’s just give her a chance. She’s going to be fighting side by side with us when the demons invade.”

The other two reluctantly agreed before going down. As they walked down Ashes stopped the three of them and handed an envelope to Erisu.

Ashes:”The Empress will be going as well, you should also attend.”

Erisu:”What is this?”

Ashes:”An invitation in three months to attend the wedding of Justin. One of your friends whom I have not met.”

Erisu:”Justin? Then why is the Empress going?”

Ashes:”Since two of the daughters of the Merchant Guild Leaders will be giving their hands to this man she must attend. They are very important people and keep the movement of goods in and out of the Empire. The Empress suggests this should be the start of your journey once your training is over.”

Erisu looked at both Sarai and Mana.

Ashes:”That boy Roy will be there as well. It might be one of the last times you see him in a while. On the last day of training the Adventure Guild Master can teleport you there so you can see all the festivities.”

Erisu’s face brightened up at the thought.

Erisu:”We have to go.”

Ashes smiled and walked on. When they reached the end of it all Arla was there leading the girls. It seemed most of them followed her lead, and they were girls from many different Kingdom.

None of them were from the Empire despite training here.

Arla:”Heroine, thank you for coming to guide us. I have some suggestions of where we can start our survey of the continent and where we can look for good places to hold up. Since there will be many Kingdoms who will be a part of the effort to cull the demons there will be need figuring out the supply lines and terrain we will fight on.”

Erisu:”Please tell me your suggestions.”

Arla:”I think once our training is over we should immediately head to the Beipan Kingdom. My father is heading the alliance of Kingdoms to fight against the demons. We are all gathering our forces and these extra two years will help us all stockpile more weapons and supplies.”

A few other girls seconded what Arla was saying.

Arla:”I believe it’s important not to delay and go straight there after training is over. My brother Hunter will be have everything ready and show the entire layout and plan and what we’ll try to construct and accomplish.”

Erisu:”Princess Arla, that sounds like a great plan but the date we go to the Beipan kingdom will have to be delayed a little.”

Arla:”Heroine, I know that we have extra time but this only means we should be more thoroughly prepared without time to waste.”

Erisu:”No, my friend is having a wedding and I must attend.”

Arla:”The fate of humanity however isn’t something that we can just put aside for a wedding. Even if my brother were to get married I would skip his wedding for what is more important.”

Erisu felt troubled. What Arla said made sense to her and she felt like she would be at a loss and as she was about to agree with Arla when the Empress came into the commons.

Arla:”Empress, you are here quite late. Was there important business that you had with us?”

Empress:”Going to the wedding is important. The Merchant Guild will be important in supplying and moving goods around the continent. Good relationships with multiple entities is also the duty of the Heroine.”

The words fo the Empress seemed to clear Erisu’s mind.

Erisu:”Yes, we will attend the wedding first and then after we will visit the Kingdom of Beipan. Time is needed to figure out who we can rely on.”

Sarai and Mana were both pleased with this.

Arla:”Very well, I will communicate with my father and brother to arrange and start a week after our training is complete.”


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