Stepmom-con – Ch. 117

Chapter 117

Queen Pelos:”Then what is? If this is going to be an alliance we have to survive the demon invasion! Should we send a messenger to the border and get communication with the Empress?”

King Harri:”I agree, we should at least ask what they are doing!”

King Bide:”Very well, we will do that.”

They called a messenger over and had him relay a message, then the messenger went to the mage for teleportation. There was a formation near the border and he would need to communicate with the Empire’s border patrol.

King Bide:”We’ll question their motives and then figure out what to do from there.”

Another messenger came this time, the letter was written from the guards and there was commotion.

King Bide:”What is it this time?”

Messenger:”Your Majesty, the same armored man who was killed by Erisu three days ago is back and in the same armor as before. He is killing soldiers stating he has come to kill your majesty, her majesty Princess Arla, and His highness Prince Hunte.”

King Bide:”Him again?”

The messenger nodded and didn’t dare speak again.

King Bide:”Assemble the heroes, where is General Psak?”

The Messenger was sweating when the question was asked. General Psak had not responded and when they had sought him out he was in his home still in bed.

King Bide:”Then summon everyone available and alert the Alliance that we have to destroy him or he is a threat to our existence!”

Messenger:”Yes, your majesty.”

King Harri and Queen Pelos were shocked learning about this development. It seemed the fiance of Erisu the Heroine was not one to go down easily. The lad was more resilient than they had thought and despite being tortured he came back to fight the Alliance. General Psak was injured the last time and the heroine who stopped him the first time was no longer in the capital.

Queen Pelos got off her chair planning to go and see her son.

King Bide:”Where are you going?”

King Bide made a demand in anger.

Queen Pelos:”I’m going to see my son, what is wrong with that?”

King Bide:”You will not go to see your son.”

King Harri:”Why can she not see her son?”

King Bide:”Prince Leonard is one of the most powerful men in the alliance and he needs to protect his fiance.”

Queen Pelos upon hearing this grew angry. King Bide was truly shameless and wanted to use Prince Leonard as a shield for his own daughter.

Queen Pelos:”You shameless-”

King Bide slapped her. This shocked those in attendance to the three of them.

King Bide:”Kill all the witnesses!”

Some men emerged from the shadows in the room. They hadn’t been noticed before but they came out and killed all the attendants of King Harri and Queen Pelos, then King Bide stood over them.

King Bide:”Ever since you entered my Kingdom you were always at the palm of my hand. Since you are part of the Alliance you have to follow me in everything I do. Your son might be powerful but one man can’t stand up against a country. We will find a way to deal with Roy and also find out how he recovered.”

Queen Pelos and King Harri were shocked at King Bide’s betrayal towards them. They were nothing but tools to him.

Queen Pelos:”Then the promise about Prince Leonard becoming the leader of the Alliance?”

King Bide:”Only if Arla can adequately control him, if she can’t he will die.”

Queen Pelos:”You-!”

Her head rolled on the floor and King Harri was there in shock before his head rolled as well. King Bide saw that the only ones in the room were his secret attendants and gave them a message.

King Bide:”Make sure no one knows anything about this instruction.”

The Attendants bowed and King Bide quietly left the location. The bodies lay on the floor with the blood still flowing out from the neck. The heart had stopped so the squirting of the arteries was no more.

I kept fighting my way in the streets. If I was being efficient, I could actually use the map to find the King, the Prince and the Princess easily and then completely kill them off.

If I did that however, it would be a quick and easy death and all those who continued to give King Bide his power to oppress me wouldn’t understand much. Not only that but I was angry at the entire Kingdom Alliance for having leaders who would sit and do nothing.

I had been tortured, my friend had died. I never offended any of them except for the fact Erisu wanted to be with me. If this is what royalty will do then royalty deserves death.

Another group of soldiers arrived with reinforcements, this time with General Psak among them.


There was fear in his eyes when he saw me and drew his axe. Others who were there were some of the elite soldiers and what the alliance refers to as heroes and men of greatness. They were wary of me and didn’t rush me like the other soldiers.

Seems the heroes themselves weren’t as brave when facing death as the normal soldiers who gave themselves up. I assume it’s because the common soldier would have his family killed by the king if they didn’t kill themselves, but for me I didn’t care for their plight since they were going to die regardless and their family would suffer whether I killed or let them survive.

Roy:”You’re back to get hurt some more aren’t you?”

Psak:”Don’t taunt me, we will kill you this time! I knew that the heroine was just putting on a play with you. A woman who was willing to bring the Empress with her to rescue you is not a woman who would kill her fiance.”

Roy:”So you believe I’m Roy?”

Psak:”A man who wants vengeance that badly that he would walk into a Kingdom alone isn’t a simple man.”

I had to give Psak some credit. He was at least willing to believe me as the threat. He heaved with several deep breaths.

Psak:”This is how I die. I’ve had enough. Let’s fight, give me a quick death. It wasn’t me who tortured you.”

Hearing him say that I started thinking about how rotten he was. I suppose as long as he dies he can’t continue doing what he had been doing so that would be it. I gave him no other words and drew the sword and raised the shield. The body was stronger than it was three days ago.

The heroes attack but they were each cut down, Psak attack and I quickly beheaded him. I’m sure there would be some people who want a long drawn out scene of how he would say his piece about being tortured or that was all he knew. He would either acknowledge my change or whatever but the fact is I didn’t actually earn this power and we weren’t on the same level of playing field from the very beginning.

I didn’t improve skill bit by bit like most people would, so there is nothing cathartic about this. So I killed him quickly and moved on. More soldiers came and I killed them. The streets were littered with the dead as I made my way towards the center of the capital.

That was the dead that were a result of me swinging around a sword and bashing skulls open with a shield. More and more soldiers started coming out, heroes, people with higher amounts of power but it didn’t matter because I killed them.

When it was about time for dinner however I stopped and left. I’ll continue this some other time. My seventh tier body left the city and I went back home to eat and enjoy another night of debauchery.


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